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Each year, we reflect, dream and plan ahead in depth; consistantly revisiting our resolutions penned from January. After saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new; there becomes a time for cleaning out the clutter of the past and making room for what the future has in store for us. But what we love the most about this time of year is the hope that a fresh start—a new beginning—is just one sunrise away. While working towards improving upon ourselves, we have to realize that we can only achieve what we want if we put action into our ideas. How do we do this? Follow this Guide for 5 steps to your Healthiest year yet!

1.) Try to do a bit of Cardio Every Day: Head to a High Intensity Interval Training Class where you increase your heart rate in intervals (making it a rollercoaster ride), which in turn challenges and increases your metabolic rate, burning more calories than a normal cardio session. Try Swimming, Running, Jumping Jacks, Kickouts etc. for 20 seconds at your highest intensity, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes straight, and then switch up the exercise.

2.) Strengthen and Lengthen: It’s important to not only strengthen our muscles to but to also simultaneously lengthen them so we can make sure we create a long and lean, yet feminine physique. By working the muscles in small, isometric movements, and then doing large movements we are able to build strength and endurance while creating definition and burning calories. During stretching or yoga, we’re able to lengthen the muscles, helping to gain flexibility, mobility, and balance. Try a Barre classes or Yoga classes to see the difference in your body!

3.) Eating in order: Try to eat your meals in a specific order so your body can digest properly. By starting your day with some hot water and lemon, you kickstart your metabolism and cleanse your system while giving it a boost of vitamin C. From there, every 3-4 hours have a little something that includes protein and fiber. Try to eat your meals in a specific order so your body can digest properly, when you eat your foods is just as important; start first with Fruit, then veggies, Protein and lastly Carbohydrates and Starches.

4.) Rest Sleep Meditation: It’s so important to rest, sleep well and take the time to practice meditation. It not only allows our mind and body to recover from working hard, but also helps to repair the muscles, stimulate the creative side of your brain, reset your central nervous system and keep your immune system in check.

5.) Stay positive and inspired, motivated and held accountable. Make it a team effort by bringing your friends along with you for the ride, taking fitness classes together, eating healthy together and holding each other accountable helps to not only keep you on track, but also makes it more fun!

How do you stay motivated throughout the year?

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